New River Valley Rocketry was founded in 2012 and is a Low, Medium and High Power rocket club here in Blacksburg VA, nestled in the hills of S.Western VA. At heart, we’re just, “a bunch of guys and gals who want to launch rockets”. However, we created NRVR to specifcially help provide regional students and adults interested in rocketry with:
- Experienced and helpful mentors
- Professional grade equipment, safe launch events and experienced advice
- FAA waivers for high-power rocket launches & certifications
- STEM outreach to schools, scouts, churches, etc.
- A safe, educational and exciting rocketry experience
Summing all this up, NRVR’s mission is to provide a safe, regular venue for rocket launches, offer help to those wanting to pursue high power rocket certifications, while educating and fostering activities in related STEM fields of study that our community and country so desperately need.
Safety is our first priority and all of our launches are insured through our parent organization Tripoli Rocketry Association (prefecture #143). Our Range Safety Officers will not hold a launch or allow a specific flight if the safety and legal requirements of our parent TRA organization can not be met. As an official TRA prefecture, our club pays annual dues to the TRA for our insurance coverage, which makes our launches possible and keeps them safe and “risk free” for land owners and attendees.
Fees and Dues:
We never charge “launch fees” for kids and parents flying low power (e.g. Estes model) rockets, so come fly with us! We do have $10 launch fees for larger high power rockets or rockets over 3.3lbs, but also give $5 off for NRVR members and another $5 off for launch helper/volunteers to help offset our TRA annual dues, insurance and other launch costs. The high power launch fee and NRVR club membership dues helps to pay for these necessities, so we do encourage frequent rocketeers to contribute to the club by joining NRV Rocketry and paying annual membership dues. This helps keeps the club in the black and thriving in the New River Valley.
We also encourage would be high power fliers to also join the parent TRA oranization by becoming an annual/renewing member with them also. This not only supports our parent organization, but also is a prerequisite for seeking High Power certifications (level-1, 2 and 3), required to be able to purchase high power rocket motors from motor vendors. |
About NRVR & TRA Membership:
Interested in our mission? If so, then consider supporting NRV Rocketry by joining and becoming a member! NRV Rocketry membership is by calendar year, from Jan 1st (or enroll date) to December 31st.
The fee schedule is a flat once/year rate of:
- Students = $5 *
- Individual = $15
- Family = $20
Membership benefits include:
- Rocket vendor discounts (can pay for your membership in 1yr!)
- A NRV Rocketry membership card
- Access to the private, [nrvr-members] only email list (for club discussions, launch polls, rocket expert Q&A, etc)
- Access to other, upcoming NRVR website resources.
- Lifetime members get a personalized forwarding email address if requested ( alias →to your personal email)
Want to join NRV Rocketry? Join Here! (pdf)
Membership NOTES:
- Annual membership dues are not prorated and are not refundable.
- NRVR is not a registered non-profit and as such, regular membership dues can not normally be considered a tax write-off..
- However NRVR does entertain corporate sponsorships for exchange of services (e.g. web advertising), which may be a write off for some businesses.