– C A N C E L E D –
BFSL (Big Fine Summer Launch) 2020!
July 25-26th

Chris’ Rocketry Supplies On Site! (Sat only)
Order Motors for “NRVR Summer Launch” Delivery Now!
When: July 25-26th, 9am-6pm
(possible APC mixing class on Friday 24th)
Where: Kentland Farms 5250 Whitethorne Rd. Blacksburg, VA 24060
(Private land open to launch attendees on these dates only!)
RSVP: Facebook Event or email officers(at)nrvr.org (so we can plan for food & drinks)
If you’re interested in flying rockets or just bringing out the family to watch some really cool flights, all are welcome!
New River Valley Rocketry (NRVR) is prefecture 143 of the Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA) and we’re looking forward to flying a lot of rockets in the mountains of Virginia this summer! While many clubs have to contend with farm crops or are restricted to low or mid power, NRVR has been granted access to a beautiful site for moderate high power flights (up through M, 10k ceiling) nestled in the cool green hills of south western Virginia, just down the road from Virginia Tech. Our July BFSL launch is shaping up to be one of our biggest yet and we’re excited to fly with as many HP flyers as possible!
Launch site, local hotels, camp grounds and local amenities are detailed here.
Want To Attend? Please RSVP!
If interested in attending, please:
1) Either RSVP to our facebook event, or clubs please email officers(at)nrvr.org so that we can get an accurate headcount for HP parking and food!
2) HP Flight-line Reserved Parking (included with $10 launch fee, first come first serve this year)
3) Certified fliers get $5/day off by volunteering as a LCO or RSO helper!
4) Attending spectators are free, however please still RSVP to our facebook event (for food & parking estimations)
Friday (7/24) APC Motor Mixing Class!!
Currently polling for interest via this RSVP. Sign up now or it might not happen. Stay tuned…
Launch Details
- Launch Site: Our regular launch site at VT Kentland Farms is just 15 minutes from the Virginia Tech campus so there are lots of amenities and places to stay nearby (see here for accommodations)
- Ceiling: 10,000’ standing FAA waiver (limited to 8k for research)
Please inform officers(at)nrvr.org for approval for certification flights/exams, before flying any Large L or M flights, anything over 6,000ft, or any complex/research rockets. - Launches/Recovery: Our recovery area is a large, multi-use farm with research grasses, crops, and a dairy complex. Our FAA waiver is for 10,000ft AGL (8,000 for research), and prevailing winds usually provide adequate recovery area for flights in the 5000’ – 6000’ AGL range. With RSO approval you can take it up to 8k, but we do like to bring them down fast and pop’em low! 🙂
(launch/recovery interactive map coming soon)NOTE: If you are either- not a club member or a student flyer,
- plan on doing a cert flight,
- have a big L or M flight,
- have a research flight, or
- exotic recovery or custom materials build
then please fill out this pre-flight data capture review form and send to officers(at)nrvr.org before launch day for a pre-launch document review. If you meet any of these criteria and fail to send this info ahead of launch day, you may experience launch delays, be required to have a more in depth tear down or multi-RSO inspection or not be allowed to fly your project.
- $10/day Launch Fee: NRVR charges $10 HP launch fees, but volunteer to help with RSO/LCO or HP pad duties and get $5 back! We take cash, check and now CC (by Square) at the launch. Email officers(at)nrvr.org to reserve a volunteer slot and get your discount!
- Pads: Plenty of large and medium HP pads, 1010, 1515 rails and unistrut mounts to accommodate low, mid, and high power rockets all the way up to M-impulse.
- Motor Vendors:
Chris from Chris’ Rocketry Supplies will be on-site all weekend. He says he has most AT and CTI stock in inventory, but to be sure get an advance orders in ASAP! (recommend extra lead time for larger >54mm motors) - To order motors for launch delivery:
1) Place order on Chris’ Website (real time inventory!)
2) For larger or >54mm motors, sooner than alter!
2) Mark delivery as “NRVR BFSL Summer Launch” - Saturday – will be a TRA Research Launch
- w/8,000ft waiver
- please contact our TAP/RSO at officers(at)nrvr.org for any complex/research launches
- Sunday – will be a TRA Research Launch
- w/8,000ft waiver,
- please contact our TAP/RSO at officers(at)nrvr.org for any complex/research launches
- Facilities: On site, running water bathrooms!
- Food: -tbd-
We look forward to putting up some awesome rockets and we hope to see you there!
New River Valley Rocketry board of directors